DANCO Precision Follows Strict Quality Control Procedures in the Design and Manufacture of Laminations, Stacks and Cores
The quality management system at DANCO Precision applies to all activities of the company, and has been developed in accordance with AS9100D. This system is fully documented and structured in four levels:
- Level 1: Quality Manual – This document details the corporate quality policy and structure of the Company and references appropriate Operating Procedures.
- Level 2: Procedures – These documents describe the actual process and controls applied to all activities concerned with the attainment of a quality assured manufacturing service.
- Level 3: Work Instructions – As DANCO Precision operates a specialized type and range of services, customer satisfaction and quality are achieved by operation in accordance with the documented quality system. Specific customer requirements are identified and documented during the contract review process, allowing these requirements to be communicated and achieved, ensuring satisfaction of all customer declared needs.
- Level 4: Other Documentation – Other documentation, including forms, records and supporting documents demonstrate that the QMS is operating.
DANCO’s commitment to quality can be observed in its acquisition of state-of-the-art measurement systems. DANCO currently supports its manufacturing efforts with the daily use of three VCMMs, circular geometry measurement, and a manual CMM. All quality, manufacturing, and personal gages are controlled via a central gage calibration system, with applicable surveillance masters traceable to national standards. Calibrations not performed internally are subcontracted to vendors certified to NAVLAP and/or A2LA. Core loss testing is performed against ASTM A927, “Test Method for Alternating-Current Magnetic Properties of Toroidal Core Specimens Using the Voltmeter-Ammeter-Wattmeter Method. A Remagraph test is employed for DC testing against ASTM A 773,” a Test Method for DC Magnetic Properties using Ring and Permeameter Procedures with DC Electronic Hysteresigraphs.
DANCO’s quality management system recognizes the importance of the continual monitoring and review. This monitoring and planned review affords the opportunity for continual improvement, and helps maintain compliance with customer, statutory/regulatory and ethical standards. This, in turn, effectively provides our customers with the confidence that DANCO can provide quality products that meet all agreed-upon requirements, now and in the future.